Yoouwhoo?! |
What's the matter with us all? Don't allow one person's success knock your self belief. |
'Every Bit of me wanted to stop this from ending but you just have to let it go. I will always love you and that I will always keep!'
'Some days are just spent looking back at myself'
'Good-Bye seemed too final, too hard and cold. So we'r going to meet and join the bubble again sometime probably never in a tree house built by us, our affection and our love of blocking out the rest of the world.we agreed New Zealand.
P.s I will miss you, me and the bubble. '
'Hearts Smell
eyes well
how friends last
I cannot tell.'
Full Up and sick of it... |
Nightmare struggles from daytime disbelief
Pillow mumbles within the creases floor boards creek
that two day frown makes sleeping eyes weep
arms stretched out to the counted sheep
hands grabbing
if your silent you can hear them bleat.....
Some tears fall out like spare change ........ |
Losing the absolute run of yourself |
Wait?!... |
Every dog has their day but some dogs don't know the days of the week! |
What's Your super power?.. |
Under the thumb |
Hair support for otters.
Supporting through thick and thin!
'I crumbled up my spine and became a mouse
you were a plant
I was the one spoken prayer'
poem by Anis Mojgani
We all get sucked in from time to time |
That ache which visits every now and again.... |
A place where time stopped and where nothing mattered. |
The Caterpillar sounded like Elton John!
Do all caterpillars sound like Elton John?
Is Elton John a caterpillar?
Twist yourself into what ever shape or direction but you can't please some people .... |
If you keep drawing otter's maybe you need to be having more fun. |
Dinosaur's .....YES! |
Birthdays are shit!
There just like Christmas except you miserable alone!
Whats Wrong with me? |
Home is Nowhere |
Is it really windy or is that scarf trying trying to kill that man? |
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