Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Stills from video piece 'Oh No Bernice'

Family photo.
Bernice, Baby Maxine and uncle Pumpkin.

Family photo

Bernice filling up her cup of Buckfast

Baby Maxine (the sanitary towel)

Strait jacket Bernice

Bernice's trip to the shop 

Bernice's trip to the off-licence

Artist statement

The body of work consists of images accompanied by narrative which hold an impermanent quality with a mix of deep sensitivity and black humour. The work is immediate and that message is imbedded in the structure. Parts display an urgency of disjointed trains of thought, while others reference characters of people that frequent my day to day life. There are abstract thoughts related to feelings with at times a strong sense of confusion, confusion with ones thoughts and understanding of life. Some images give the sense of a bold child stamping its feet! The work can invite though one image and tell you to fuck off through another. This can be read as a diary or a journey of fragmented memory…

Installation piece.
all these drawing below are used in this jar installation.
The medium; tar, white spirits and pencil.
'GOLD STAR: for being the worlds biggest DICKHEAD...'


' He told me that he made an effigy of Sharon ni Bheolain out of brillo pads and fucked it while snorting lines of washing powder....
....What can you say to that?..'


'A fucking creep...; yup just plain creep...

'I got you this because, mmm...iloveyou...

'Little Jessie two steps'

'Did you know that Cork people are Kerry people with shoesssss....'

'Why is it the bad things you remember'

'I can induce my own coma's...
..washing up liquid'

'What are you doing???
Well I was told to blow up my work....'

'Balls, said the Queen.
If I had them id be King.'

'Curiosity killed the cat....      ...... no Jessica did.'

'Everyday .......
He listens to his cappuccino...'

'So me you friends and i'l know what your like...'

'the question i have for is... do you like tomatoes? answer; NO

Two legs sat upon three legs,
With one leg in his lap;
In comes four legs,
And runs away with one leg.
Up jumps two legs,
Catches up three legs,
Throws it after four legs
And makes him bring back one leg.

'Thank you my love'

'Well thats a turn up for the books......and who knew turnips could read'

'If I dream about it does it mean its real??'

'My Granny'
(Test 1) Jar Installation - jars containing the drawings(above) and more